Tuesday, 15 November 2011

How to retain study information

Most of the questions that my students ask are quite universal and relevant to many other students. I therefore thought it imperative to publish answers to some important and intelligent questions that my students ask me. Below is a question that one of my students asked the other day, and how I replied to her.

Q- Ma’am, in which way did you study the subject S.STUDIES as a student? Ma’am, my way of studying S.STUDIES is that I learn everything by writing on a rough copy, but after some time I forget it.
A quick reply by me- It's always best to understand everything thoroughly. Problems in exams are of two kinds mainly, conceptual and language related. You are lucky enough to have internet facility at home (when I was your age I probably hadn’t even heard of internet), and I'm sure your parents are also very cooperative. Ask them questions; engage in healthy and interesting discussions. The things I remember best are the things I came to know through some interesting discussion with my teachers and parents. Moreover, search over the internet about history and geography, and practically anything and everything that you can’t understand. Or do anything to make it interesting if you think it is boring; play map games, take online history quiz, draw funny pictures, make your books more colorful by highlighting. I hope this helps you out. Good luck!

This is, however, not enough. There is a lot of research going on in the field of education which is focused on figuring out what works best for students and how they are able to understand and retain information better. Therefore, I am now going to write an article including some scientific details about different learning styles. So, do come back for more!

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